Hay cobertura en el cielo

La buena noticia es que tu móvil tendrá cobertura en el cielo. La mala: usarás el móvil para enviar mensajes con fotos de la virgen María.

picturephoning.com: Psychic ‘sent photo messages from the Virgin Mary’

A psychic in Chile claims he receives photo messages from the Virgin Mary, reports Ananova.

«Ricardo Gonzales told Las Ultimas Noticias he has been receiving images on his mobile phone that are divine representations.

After much study and analysis Mr Gonzales claimed the images and messages said that God exists and that there is life after death.

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Productor naturales no tan naturales

Un estudio en Boston encuentra cantidades importantes de metales pesados tóxicos en productos «médicos» fabricados a base de hierbas. Para que luego se hable de medicina natural.

Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: Herbal Remedies Found to Contain Toxic Heavy Metals

Robert B. Saper, now at Boston University’s School of Medicine, and his colleagues purchased imported Ayurvedic herbal medicine products from stores near Boston’s city hall and had them tested for metal contamination. They discovered that a fifth of the 70 samples tested contained lead, mercury or arsenic, or some combination of all three, in significant quantities. If taken as directed, the products would expose a person to more of the metals than is deemed safe by the Environmental Protection Agency.


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