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¿A qué estudiante de ciencia no le gustaría que le pasase lo mismo?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (The Unsolvable Math Problem)

One Solve me! day In 1939, George Bernard Dantzig, a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, arrived late for a graduate-level statistics class and found two problems written on the board. Not knowing they were examples of «unsolvable» statistics problems, he mistook them for part of a homework assignment, jotted them down, and solved them. (The equations Dantzig tackled are perhaps more accurately described not as unsolvable problems, but as unproved statistical theorems for which he worked out proofs.) Six weeks later, Dantzig’s statistic professor notified him that he had prepared one of his two «homework» proofs for publication, and Dantzig was given co-author credit on another paper several years later when another mathematician independently worked out the same solution to the second problem.

Esta entrada tiene 5 comentarios

  1. Alberto

    jeje, meti la pata: he visto que el enlace que has puesto estaba tambien en la noticia de slashdot… lei la noticia a traves de bloglines, y ese enlace no aparecia

  2. demimismo

    Siento el código ese ahí, no sabía que no valía HTML.

  3. demimismo

    Hey, lo siento mucho, pero te tengo que pasar el testigo 😉

    Espero que puedas perdonarme.

  4. Vicente Torres

    Yo estuve aquí. Vengo del blog de Enrique Dans y no tenía más remedio.

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