Disney y los Teleñecos

Disney va a volver a producir los Teleñecos. Pero este artículo se pregunta si Disney tiene realmente el sentido del humor que hace falta para recrear aquella maravillosa serie.

The Disney Muppets: why that just isn’t funny – Times 2 – Times Online

The problem is, do they want the Muppets back so badly that they’re willing for Disney to be in charge of them? Let’s face it – on most analyses of the company’s business practices or its artistic oeuvre, modern Disney sucks. And while there are many things that it sucks at – theme parks, fending off hostile takeover bids from Comcast, keeping any parent in its children’s films alive past the first reel – what it surely sucks at the most is being funny. The entire Disney corporation couldn’t tell a joke if Mickey Mouse’s life depended on it. Or, rather, it could – but it would first have to pass it through three focus groups, all its senior management, Disney’s representatives in China, the National Rifle Association, the League of Decency and, probably, Condoleezza Rice, just to check that it wouldn’t offend anyone, and subsequently lose the company a single $5 ticket at the box office.

(vía: O’Reilly Rada)

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  1. JJSM

    …Pero,..¿no habías muerto?…;-)

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