El copyright hace 100 años

The world of 1906 was hardly perfect ? I wouldn?t want to live then. And the 1909 statute was full of its own boondoggles and industry grabs. But if one looks back at these transcripts and compares them to today?s hearings ? with vacuous rantings from celebrities and the bloviation of bad economics and worse legal theory from one industry representative after another ? it is hard not to feel a sense of nostalgia. In 1900, it appears, we were better at understanding that copyright was a law that regulated technology, a law with constitutional restraints, that property rights were not absolute and that the public would not automatically be served by extending rights out to infinity.

Were we smarter 100 years ago..? | The Public Domain |

Continuar leyendoEl copyright hace 100 años

Life, inc.

En una ocasión oí una conferencia de Douglas Rushkoff donde venía a decir que ahora vivimos en el Renacimiento, lo que me gustó mucho porque básicamente coincide con mi opinión. Eso hace que cualquier libro suyo me resulte automáticamente interesante. En este caso, se trata de Life, inc., que aparentemente trata sobre el control empresarial de casi todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. En este vídeo, presenta el libro en el programa The Colbert Report. Considerando que el presentador del programa, el personaje Colbert (que no el actor), es como un niño hiperactivo de cuatro años, es impresionante que el hombre consiga dar tantas indicaciones sobre el contenido del libro:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Douglas Rushkoff
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Jeff Goldblum

(vía Boing Boing)

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