Sobre el doblaje de serie

Como cualquier españolito medio, durante toda la vida he disfrutado de todo el material proviniente de USA y otros países anglosajones doblado. Esto no supone un gran trauma hasta que comienzas a verlo en versión original. Captas un montón de sutilezas, aprendes expresiones que si bien los dobladores hacen todo lo que pueden, no se consigue plasmar como debiera. Pero sin duda lo peor suele ser no captar la fuerza que le da el actor al momento, perdiendo parte de la calidad de la obra.

Pensaba que esta era mi mayor queja con respecto a el doblaje, pero viendo ejemplos como el que les presento a continuación no puedo hacer otra cosa que reafirmarme en tratar por todos los medios de no volver a ver nada doblado.

Caprica – El porqué veo series en versión original

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Dispositivos artísticos

Making art on computers is nothing new, and generally based on software development. If we want to get to the root of something considered «Device Art» from that point of view, we have to take a look at (artful) software development and the rise of mobile devices. One might suspect the first programmable devices were mobile phones, but gaming handhelds, like the Nintendo Game Boy are probably a good platform with which to start this discussion. This is where the homebrew movement kicks in. People tried to modify games and get their own software running on the hardware plugged into televisions and portable handhelds. Second, programmers created tools in order to make developing and running their own software on these platforms easier. Once these tools were completed and distributed, a new generation of users was given the opportunity to run (and maybe create) their own software. Devices like mobile phones, handheld gaming units and vintage hardware activate new developers.

Device Art – A Broad Overview of Current Developments | Vague Terrain

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Milky Way Transit Authority

Here, I have attempted to do the same thing for our galaxy, the Milky Way. Our galaxy is unimaginably vast, and we really have no idea what is out there. We are discovering new planets in other star systems all the time, learning new facts about the galactic core, and even learning about whole new portions of the galaxy. This map is an attempt to approach our galaxy with a bit more familiarity than usual and get people thinking about long-term possibilities in outer space. Hopefully it can provide as a useful shorthand for our place in the Milky Way, the ‘important’ sights, and make inconceivable distances a bit less daunting. And while convenient interstellar travel is nothing more than a murky dream, and might always be that way, there is power in creating tools for beginning to wrap our minds around the interconnections of our galactic neighborhood.

Milky Way Transit Authority

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Este vídeo de Rocketboom me llama poderosamente la atención. No sé exactamente que es. Quizá sea que durante más de 4 minutos estés esperando que pase algo. O quizá sea la expresión de su cara (o quizá inexpresión). Confieso que no había prestado demasiado atención a Rocketboom, pensando que sería como otros videoblogs de temática similar. Este vídeo me ha hecho descubrirlo.

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