Wasabi de verdad

Pues eso, un comentario sobre el wasabi:

Real wasabi has a fruity and vegetal fragrance, with a spiciness that does not linger and serves to enhance the flavor of the fish. It has a bouquet and sweetness that stimulates the palate with balanced heat. It does not hit with the intensity that fake wasabi does, and the spiciness quickly dissipates into the sweet vegetal flavor that is a perfect companion to sushi. The hotness of wasabi is experienced more in the sinus than the tongue and is often an acquired taste.

Esta entrada tiene 3 comentarios

  1. Real McCoy

    Como dicen en mi tierra: «Wasabis aquel que diuuu …»

  2. Javier

    Este verano probé verdadero wasabi en Japón y es buenísimo, me encantó. Nada que ver con los sucedáneos que tomamos en Europa.

  3. Slayer_X

    A los que creen que el wasabi o el chile es picante, les invito a probar el rocoto peruano 😉


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