¿Y si el inglés se escribiese como el chino?

Interesantísima página que ofrece una visión de las complejidades de la escritura china con un curioso experimento: intentando escribir el inglés tal y como se escribe en chino. Fascinante.


Chinese style

Maybe there’s a better approach. Instead of using hanzi directly, let’s invent a new system– we’ll call it yingzi, «English characters»– that would work for English exactly as hanzi works for Chinese.

The basic principle will be, one yingzi for a syllable with a particular meaning. So two, to, and too will each have their own yingzi. (If we were creating a syllabary, by contrast, we’d write all three with the same symbol, the one for /tu/.)

Does that mean we need a completely separate symbol for each of the thousands of possible English syllables? Not at all. We can simplify the task enormously with one more principle: syllables that rhyme can have yingzi that are variations on a theme.


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