Las ventajas del privilegio

Cuando alguien hace una obra sobre tus problemas, por insustanciales que sean, te parece mejor que obras que tratan problemas más serios de otros grupos. Y si encima el tuyo es el grupo que decide qué es de calidad y qué no lo es, pues…

Un ejemplo:

The Trip to Italy (2014) – Poo and Broken Glass | Ruthless Culture

Critics are as much the victims of pandering as anyone else. When a middle-aged white guy writes about the minutiae of his life then the middle-aged white guys who write about these types of things in broadsheet newspapers are incapable of not taking him seriously. Many of these critics roll their eyes at media that panders to other groups but the second a work of art suggests that their lives are worthy of artistic scrutiny, all critical instincts evaporate. Why else would so much mainstream literature and European film revolve around middle-aged men having affairs and getting divorced? The Trip to Italy is about hugely successful middle-class, middle-aged white men eating fine food, having sex with beautiful women and still feeling a little bit sad and yet few critics seem willing to call it what it is: cynical, self-indulgent, pandering bullshit that amounts to little more than Twilight for the Viagra and red wine generation.

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Sobre el casete

Cuántas horas invertidas en preparar cintas con mezclas de canciones. Yo intentaba asegurarme de que el sonido fuese bajando poco antes de que terminase la cinta.

La gente le pone mucho ingenio al uso actual de los casetes:

cassette tape culture

these days it is hard to avoid the continuing debate that surrounds the ‘future of music’ and the formats that bring it to us. however this so called ‘digital age’ isn’t the first time that new music formats have created such a stir, some time not too long ago it was cassette tapes that were causing the music industry concern. the design of the cassette tape was resolved in the 1960s by the dutch electronics company philips as a portable alternative to the large vinyl formats. having not been patented the cassette tape design was quickly copied by many manufacturers leading to its widespread use. during the mid 1980s cassettes were at their most popular accounting for more than half of the worlds total music sales. alongside the attraction of music on the move, the cassette tape offered the opportunity for people to edit and customize their music easily for the first time. the DIY ethic of the tapes didn’t stop with home recording though, as many people often created their own artwork for their mixes.

Lo de convertir un walkman en un pequeño coche de carreras… Genialidad.

Y también:

History’s Dumpster: The History of Cassettes

The advent of the cartridge style tape began with the usual seven words that begin the road to any invention. Fourteen if you count those other seven nasty words (that usually precede these):

“There’s GOT to be a better way!”

Tape, like the wire recordings that came before them were on spools or reels and had to be hand threaded through the playback mechanism. A time consuming feat in itself for the average person. And prone to accidents.

When the first reel tape became available to the masses, it had immediate advantages over the vinyl records of the time. First, they were in stereo years before the first stereo LPs were available. They didn’t scratch or have surface noise (other than a very low level audible hiss. Noise reduction would be another 15 years away.) And best yet, you could record 3 hours of uninterrupted, high quality music or radio broadcasts per reel.

But to a consumer base who were used to instant playback as offered by records, they didn’t want to waste time setting up and threading a reel of tape and take the risk of any clumsy and at the time, expensive accidents. No matter what the audio advantages were.

RCA noticed this and sympathized. And ever the innovators, they began work on a simple, self threading style of tape and unveiled it in 1958.

(vía ./mediateletipos))) Aural culture, sound art, audiovisual activism and new media / Cassette Tape Culture)

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No todo lo posible acaba existiendo

Muchas veces tratamos la tecnología como algo inevitable, como si la posibilidad de hacer algo implicase que va a hacerse (e, incluso, que debe hacerse), olvidando que hay muchos factores que pueden hacer que una vía posible no llegue nunca a ser real.

Charlie Stross comenta un caso evidente en Why we’re not going to see sub-orbital airliners

And this is my classic worked example of roads not taken. Just because something is technologically possible, it does not follow that it will inevitably happen. Someone has to want it enough to pay for it—and it will be competing with other, possibly more attractive options.

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Guión Ausente 002: Cierta ruta en diagonal por la Vía Láctea

Segundo episodio de nuestro podcast todavía en potencia, así puesto en plan regalo de Reyes. A disfrutarlo.

Resumen: seguimos hablando…

El primer episodio. Y si quieren saber cuándo vamos a hacer las cosas en serio, estamos en @GuionAusente.

Y las notas al episodio, ya saben…

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Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow

Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (2010) – The Altar of a Mad God | Ruthless Culture

In 1992, Anselm Kiefer took over a disused silk factory in the departement of Barjac in Southern France.  Over a period of nearly ten years, Kiefer transformed the industrial ruins first into a gigantic studio space and then into a living and breathing work of art in its own right.  An immense installation known as a Gesamtkunstwerk.  This installation comprises an underground maze, an amphitheatre, vast paintings and a series of towers.  The Gesamtkunstwerk fuses the logos of industrialisation with the mythos of Biblical and Jewish imagery to create what can be interpreted as a commentary upon the Holocaust.  However, anything as crude as an interpretation sits uncomfortably on the images that Fiennes provides us with, particularly in the hauntingly scored and exquisitely shot wordless walking tour sequences that bookend the film.  These are not images that are supposed to make sense to us, they are simply there.  The act of interpretation is a vulgar after-thought.  An unwanted interloper.  A pathetic scrabbling for truth against the sheer scale and weirdness of Kiefer’s vision.  A scale so pulverisingly huge that it may as well take in the entire universe.

Ahora quiero ver este documental.

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Tecnologías que nunca llegan

6 Technologies That Have Always Been “Just Two Years Away”

Today we’re looking at promises for the near-future that haven’t quite arrived yet. We want so desperately to believe that they’re just over the horizon! But we really wish that the horizon would stop moving on us.

Es el triste destino de los sueños de ciencia ficción. La fantasía tiene el defecto de no ser real.

Continuar leyendoTecnologías que nunca llegan