Don Hertzfeldt y la mejor intro de Los Simpson

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El primer episodio de la temporada 26 de Los Simpson vino con un chiste del sofa (ese que se produce en la introducción de la serie) obra del animador Don Hertzfeldt. Es el mejor chiste, y mira que los hay buenos, que se ha hecho en esa sección: una reflexión sobre la persistencia de la serie, y su mortalidad, cuando Homer se lanza accidentalmente al futuro. Una auténtica maravilla:

Ahora me han recomendado que vea It’s Such a Beautiful Day.

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Cómo llamaría yo al teléfono móvil

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Durante unos minutos me vi envuelto en la eterna discusión sobre lo de “al teléfono móvil lo llamamos teléfono cuando ser teléfono es ahora mismo una de sus funciones menos importantes”.

Siempre he pensado que el nombre ideal para el cacharro que tenemos ahora sería Familiar (aunque “chisme” sería francamente divertido):

El familiar, es un ser que obedece los designios de su amo o persona con la cual ha hecho un pacto, actuando como sirviente y ayudante, o para favorecerlo económicamente con sus poderes. Normalmente no es tan inteligente como su amo (al que en cualquier caso se supone una inteligencia extraordinaria), aunque los familiares del tipo feerico (duendes y otras criaturas míticas) suelen ser más inteligentes que el ser humano medio. Un tipo muy popular de espíritu familiar es el imp de la mitología de Europa.

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Un libro que debería estar en español

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Ya lo he leído y es excelente. De estar traducido, ya habría regalado varios ejemplares. Una gran lectura.


Book review: Ways of Looking. How to Experience Contemporary Art:

I loved this book. I’m tempted to offer a copy to my many friends who stare at me with a look of “poor loser, that art job must be so BO-RING” in their eyes. I never managed to explain them why what i do for a living makes me want to spring out of bed every morning but this book might be more convincing. But Ways of Looking will be of great help to me as well. I’ve always thought that i was good at feeling when a work is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but i often struggle to form intelligible thoughts that would help me express what i find so interesting about a particular piece or exhibition.

I particularly liked the tone of the book. While the author sounds genuinely passionate about contemporary art, he doesn’t seem to take it too seriously either. From what i could infer, he doesn’t suffer sloppy, easy and pompous art. There certainly isn’t any of that kind of art in his book.

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“Milady, anyone can be a fighter”

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Y la historia de la madre que no le quiso comprar una muñeca de princesa a su hijo tampoco está nada mal.

“Milady, anyone can be a fighter.”

I went to the Renaissance faire dressed as a warrior. I had a real sword with me, too. I was standing (in character) next to a sword-fighting ring, where kids of all ages got the chance to pick up a sword and challenge the champion. Some woman walks by, with her little girl. The girl starts walking towards the ring, saying she wants to fight. But the mom pulled her away hella sharply, and was like, “That’s for boys.” You don’t want to be a BOY, do you?” And the girl looked around and saw me. I think she thought I was a boy; I had my hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a hood. So she comes up to me and asks me, “Do you think girls can be fighters, too?” And her mom looks like she’s silently gloating. Like she thinks I’m going to say no. So I take off my hood, untie my hair so that it flows freely, and kneel before her. And I’m like, “Milady, anyone can be a fighter.” I swear, the look on that mother’s face made my day.

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