Magibon: From YouTube to Japan

Today we enter the world of a YouTube celebrity. If you?re an avid user of the popular video sharing site, chances are you?ve encountered the videos of Magibon ? those big eyes and tiny face looking up at the camera, sometimes with a message, often with none. Surprising even her, the videos garnered millions of views, most of them from Japan, which lead this American 22-year-old to start learning ? and using ? Japanese, without leaving her bedroom in the state of Pennsylvania. PingMag catches up with Magibon during a recent visit to Tokyo, to find out what it takes to make it big on YouTube.

Una entrevista muy interesante con esta chica. Básicamente se ha hecho famosa mirando fijamente a la cámara. Pero ni siquiera para eso vale cualquiera. Ella sí.

PingMag – The Tokyo-based magazine about ?Design and Making Things? » Archive » Magibon: From YouTube to Japan

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  1. Melisa Z

    Que graciosa! y eso es lo unico que hace? Igual no me dan ganas de ver otro, con uno, suficiente.

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