Perfil XKCD

XKCD es un excelente cómic online sobre asuntos cercanos a la ciencia y la tecnología. Pero no me gusta por eso -sobre tecnología hay muchos- sino porque el autor, Randall Munroe, tiene una forma de mirar el mundo que me resulta muy humana, extremadamente cercana y personal.

Bien, a lo que iba, Wired le dedica un perfil que nos acerca más al personaje:

This mix of brains and fun, as well as underlying sweetness helped propel xkcd from a hobby to a full-time job for the 23-year-old former NASA roboticist. Since its 2005 launch, xkcd has grown from doodles in the margins of a graphing notebook to T-shirts, radio talks and lectures on humor at MIT, where students batted inflatable raptors around the auditorium. The website drew between 60 million and 70 million pageviews in October, Munroe says, and xkcd’s growing fan base has taken to re-enacting events that take place in the comic.

(vía Boing Boing)

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