La extraña paradoja de la libertad
La extraña paradoja de la libertad es que el sistema que más ha hecho por crearla esté también tan empeñado en destruirla. Y parece que hay todo un documental -en tres partes- dedicado precisamente a esa paradoja: The Trap – What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom?. Según el director (citado en Mystic Bourgeoisie) Adam Curtis:
Behind these new ideas about how society should be managed, was a model of the individual as a rational calculating machine, whose self-interested behaviour could be analysed by numbers. This simplified version of us had been created back in the Cold War by game theorists. They had made an assumption that we were like that, simply in order to make their equations and their models work. But what was now rising up was a powerful scientific proof that this was not just an assumption. It really did describe the very roots of our nature — that everything human beings did and felt, had been programmed into us by our genes. And all our actions were the result of rational calculations by that genetic programme — that we really were computing machines guided by numbers.
Hay más detalles en la página de la Wikipedia y en la IMDB. Por las descripciones, no parece que yo vaya a estar totalmente de acuerdo, pero como dice un comentarista en la IMDB:
Overall then an interesting and engaging thesis on the nature of recent societal change and theory. It didn’t all convince me and had bits that I did disagree with no matter how well structured the argument was but it did make me think, which can only be a good thing. I’m not saying I agreed with it all or that I understood it all, but it was an engaging series of films and certainly different from the rather sedentary documentaries that tend to be in the majority.