No conocía yo el Buddhabrot (llegando al final). Para que luego digan que leyendo bitácoras no se aprende nada. Se trata de una representación del conjunto de Mandelbrot:
In the Buddhabrot, what you do is look at values of C which aren’t in the mandebrot set. For each point m(i,C) before it escapes, plot a point. That gives you the escape path for the value C. If you take a large number of escape paths for randomly selected values of C, and you plot them so that the brightness of a pixel is determined by the number of escape paths that cross that pixel, you get the Budddhabrot. It’s fascinating because it reveals the structure in a particularly amazing way. If you look at a simple unzoomed image of the madelbrot set, what you see is a spiky black blob; the actually complexity of the structure isn’t obvious until you spend some time looking at it. The Buddhabrot is more obvious – you can see the astonishing complexity much more easily.
El resultado es bien mono: