Tankas en el móvil

El tanka es una composición japonesa de 31 sílabas (menos famosa que el haiku) muy apreciada poéticamente. Pues el tanka ha entrado aullando y pataleando en el siglo veintiuno reconvertido en keitai tanka, es decir, tanka escritos y distribuidos en el móvil. Sin embargo, lo interesante no es eso. Lo realmente curioso es la reacción de los sectores más tradicionales que incluso llegan a la conclusión de que eso realmente no es tanka. O, como dice uno de ellos:

«Compared with traditional tanka, these are not literary pieces,» Mr Inose says. «It’s like the difference between a beautifully composed photograph of a landscape, and the kind of snapshot which young people take with a mobile phone camera.»

Todo porque antes:

Tanka students spend years mastering the use of stylised epithets called «pillow words» and use erudite literary allusions from classical literature. «Sometimes a poem can take me three or four months to refine,» says Setsuko Utsunomiya, 60, a poet from Oita. «I can’t help feeling that mobile tanka are a completely different thing.»

Damos muchas vueltas, pero siempre volvemos al mismo punto.

(vía textually.org)

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Revenge of the Sith, primera reseña

A pocos días del estreno, uno de mis crítico –James Berardinelli– favoritos ya se ha pronunciado, y la pone francamente bien (3,5 sobre 4):

It’s necessary to say a word or two about Darth Vader. After all, Revenge of the Sith shows us the birth of one of the 20th century’s most iconic villains. By avoiding excessive reverence, Lucas makes the first appearance of the black mask and costume a moment of profound sadness. In that moment, we aren’t so much experiencing the emergence of Vader as we are seeing the final death throes of Anakin. And, while there’s an admitted thrill to hearing the voice of James Earl Jones, the content of some of Jones’ lines is unlike anything we have previously heard from the voice-box of Vader. Not all eyes will be dry by the end of Revenge of the Sith. It has an emotional kick that no Star Wars film other than The Empire Strikes Back has achieved.

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