Los vídeos de Google
Según Larry Page, Google ofrecerá en los próximos días un servicio para subir archivos de vídeo a Internet. El servicio será beta, cómo no, y forma parte de uno de los múltiples experimentos de Google. Suena un poco a Flickr, pero con vídeos.
Advanced IP Pipeline | Google To Host Home-Video Uploads
While there’s no formal announcement yet, Google co-founder Larry Page said Monday that the well-known search engine concern would soon let the general public upload self-produced videos to Google’s servers, partly in an effort to learn more about how to more efficiently search and display information about video-based data.
«It’s an experiment we want to run,» said Page of the video-uploading service, which he said the company will formally announce «in the next few days.» Page made the non-announcement announcement during Monday’s opening panel discussion at the National Cable & Telecommunications Show here, upstaging his luminary fellow panelists John Chambers of Cisco, Brian Roberts of Comcast, Jon Miller of AOL and Jeffrey Katzenberg of Dreamworks.
(vía: FirstAdopter.com)