La ética en la era de la información

Three Systems Of Ethics For Diverse Applications describe tres sistemas éticos. Guardián y Comercial son los dos más conocidos. Cada uno trata con un conjunto diferente de problemas. Guardián con aquella situaciones de suma cero, y Comercial con situaciones de suma no cero. Pero el artículo señala que la invención del ordenador ha propiciado la aparición de un nuevo sistema ético, Information, que trata con situaciones de suma ilimitada.

The invention of computers has created unlimited-sum situations. Anything that exists in the form of computer data can be copied and e-mailed at remarkably low cost. And a wide range of things–music, news, blueprints, books, recipes, scientific papers–can be represented as computer data. Of course, some things are valuable only because they are rare, so too much copying would actually reduce their value. But some information becomes more valuable to its creators the more it is copied. Many hobbyists would like their creations to be widely appreciated–as long as the viewer knew who had created it. The authors of scientific papers and the programmers of Open Source software(2) want as many people as possible to use their work–as long as they get appropriate credit. The more such information is copied, the more benefits accrue both to the inventor and to the users.

No se trata, por supuesto, que un sistema ético suplante al otro, sino que cada uno se mueva en su terreno.


Del mismo autor, otro artículo que también parece interesante: Ethical Administration of Nanotechnology.

(vía 0xDECAFBAD)


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