Los agujeros del espacio no están vacíos

Un grupo de científicos británicos dice que grandes regiones del universo que parecen vacías podrían no estarlo. Vienen a decir que la suposición de que allí donde hay luz hay materia no tiene por que ser cierta:

Astronomers have generally assumed that where there is more light, there is proportionately more matter. Some of this matter is visible, in the form of bright stars and galaxies; some of it is mysterious ‘dark matter’. No one knows what dark matter is – it is detected because it exerts a gravitational pull on luminous matter.

Ostriker’s team contends, however, that light is not necessarily a good way of tracing matter. Their computer simulations of the structure of the Universe indicate that light actually switches off rather abruptly as the total density of matter in space falls.

[Estoy escuchando: «Bird On The Wire» de Leonard Cohen en el disco Cohen Live – Leonard Cohen In Concert]


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